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herkforth colors

lo4    display   handler
bits   color     word           Meaning to us/editor:

0      yellow    ct-exec        Execute a word
1      green     ct-comp        Compile a call to a word
2      yellow    ct-number      Number
3      green     ct-lit         Compile number
4      cyan      ct-tic         Puts address of dictionary entry on the stack (compile time)
5      white     blr            Everything that does nothing (just variables so far)
6      magenta   ct-const-def   Define a constant (takes the value for new constant off the stack)
7      red       ct-def         Create a new word

The folowing colors never go into source tokens, but are used by the editor to
distinguish the various types that use color 5 in their source tokens:
8    variable
9    data

See Also

how herkforth works

herkforth docs



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