herkforth core words
"core words" or "kernel words" are the words that are already compiled to machine code when the forth starts up. Most of them are just part of the compiler and are probably not useful for other things.
Here's the 23 core words, and their byte offsets into the dictionary (byte offsets are needed for kernel.s)
Here's the 23 core words:
interpret 0x000 load 0x020 w, 0x040 | 0x060 ,dup 0x080 ,drop 0x0a0 _rlm>a 0x0c0 a, 0x0e0 ,lit 0x100 token>cfa 0x120 ct-exec 0x140 ct-comp 0x160 ct-const 0x180 ct-const-lit 0x1a0 ct-tic 0x1c0 ct-noop 0x1e0 ct-const-def 0x200 ct-def 0x220 color-table 0x240 flush 0x260 ,; 0x280 _start 0x2a0