herkforth Crash Course
The bare minimum to give a quick taste of herkforth to people who already know basic forth:
First build herkforth.
Then run herkforth.
Type a word and press space to add it to the current source (after the cursor)
Type \
to delete a word from the source code. (Backspace deletes characters on the input line)
Type a word and press enter to have it executed immediately
Move the cursor: SHIFT-H and SHIFT-N
Go to definition of word typed: SHIFT-D
Go to definition of word under cursor: SHIFT-T
Go back: SHIFT-C
Change colors: [
(execute, compile and define respectively) if
you've typed something, that word is inserted in that color, otherwise the word
under the cursor is changed to that color.
To create a variable, constant, string or word, type it's name and press &
, "
or :
Save: SHIFT-S (this also resets/recompiles the whole system)
Compile current block: SHIFT-B
Press SHIFT-Q to quit.
That's it for the crash course. Proceed to the full herkforth docs