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herkforth FAQ

Q: Where does herkforth001 come from? And what is it?

A: It's automatically created as part of the bootstrapping process (when you run herkforth000.) See: herkforth bootstrapping.

Q: Why don't the herkforth command keys work? They just type onto the screen like any other letter.

A: This is because your terminal isn't letting herkforth see what you've typed until you press enter. If you run herkforth using the ./run script included with the herkforth download, this shouldn't happen.

Q: Where can I see output? / Why isn't it displaying properly?

A: Output (eg from . or emit) is printed by the bottom of the screen. In older versions (before 0.7?), you have to set term-height and term-width by hand for this to work. See the documentation that came with your version.

See Also

herkforth docs


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