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Fun/silly stuff in herkforth

I made this image with herkforth.

"card" game

This is a little solitaire-like game.

Go to block 110 and hit shift-B

You'll see something along these lines:

 2  7  9 
10  6 10 
10  3  4  8  3  1 

This shows a grid of 9 numbers, and 3 more ("8 3 1" in this case) waiting to come on the board.

The object is to get all the numbers to the top left corner.

You can move numbers up or left, one square at a time.

When you move a number it goes on top of another number (obliterating it.)

You can only move a number if the number you're moving, and the one you're moving it on to are either the same, differ by 1 or differ by a multiple of 3.

Examples of moves on the example board above:

How to move

Moving is done by first choosing the piece you would like to move, then the destination.

The way you choose a location on the board is by pressing the number on the number pad that corresponds to that square on the board. The number pad is layed out like this:

7  8  9
4  5  6
1  2  3

So if you want to select the top right square on the board, you press 9. If you want to select the middle square on the board press 5. Bottm right is 3, etc..

Other Keys

shift-Q to quit

r to redeal (use when you win or get stuck... or if it just looks nasty)

P.S. if this isn't enough fun for you, you can get random bar graphs at block 104. Just load the block (104 load) and run rnd-test. Press a key to get another. Press shift-Q to go back to the editor.

See also:

herkforth docs


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