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just a few notes

herkamire is a gentle modest observant person. he sees things, most others will just walk by. never saw him actually typing this, but i'll put this in his mouth anyway: "violence is *never* a solution, it's the opposite". but this character and attitude needs to look for alternatives then, since ignoring reality also won't work on the long run.

from the picture i saw from jenna, i read she has a very rich, peaceful (minded;-) inside-world too.

both of them are home at a river. close to a bridge. they quite often meet there, they even learnt to know each other there. philosophia over the river, musa, art right here. relatives on both sides, two different tribes though. if they don't meet at the bridge, one will come over. spring is not too far away, hence the good ties to the others, which are us there.

don't interpret peacefulness as something weak, leaking power of decision, direction, expression, action. on an integer, truthful path it's effectively the opposite. i write this mainly for those who know, but need to know once more. :-) subtle is the glue of dust.

and who is rO|? we will see. in the end, what will remain of him. that's good news for me.

but, who on earth is you? laughs

computers brought us something, that's thrilling, sometimes good. but they also took something, can you see? we need to take care. so i am thankful for friendship

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