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#c4th logs

The colorforth channel is logged publically. For now the viewer is pretty low-tech:


(It will shortly be expanded to have an index for each month and year. Contact Jason Woofenden if he takes too long to write this.)

If you would like your nick to show up in a unique color, go here http://jasonwoof.org/c4thstyle.css?edit and add a style for yourself. Please only change the color, and try to keep a strong contrast from the background to be sure everybody can see you.

This log was started on April 21st, 2004. There used to be older logs for this channel at http://repairguy.net/c4th/. Please update this paragraph if you find them.


Raw irc logs are stored in a seperate file for each day (based on GMT time). "Raw" meaning every byte the server sent to the bot (except pings).

The raw logs are in the http://jasonwoof.com/irclogs/c4th/ directory. The filenames are the euro-date (YY-MM-DD) with a ".txt" ending. For example, the raw log for June 16th, 2004 would be at http://jasonwoof.com/irclogs/c4th/04-06-16.txt

Feel free to download them all and import them into your archive or whatever you want. Contact Jason Woofenden if you'd like a tarball or zip file.


All source is licensed under the GNU GPL.

The bot is a little perl script that uses tcpclient to connect to freenode. Source code here: http://jasonwoof.com/c4thbot.txt

The new log viewer source (written in forth) is here: http://jasonwoof.com/irclogs/filb.txt

See Also

colorforth logs index

colorforth channel


forth channel


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