Herkforth goals
herkforth has the following goals in order to realize the herkforth mission:
My basic strategy is to first make an environment that is easy to program in, and use that to create a productive, useful, fun system. -- Jason Woofenden
The major features of this system will be:
- Useful in real life
- Easy to create good software
- Elegant: keep it simple, small and fast
The most important ones are on top, and the ones that will happen first are at the bottom.
By "good software" and "easy to use" I mean that the software makes it easy to become quite proficient at getting your work done. I hold dear the values presented in The Humane Interface by Jeff Raskin such as habituation, visibility, monotony, key efficiency, etc..
- programming environment (exists already, although it will change)
- email client
- ssh client
- web browser
- irc client