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Greensboro, NC to Winston-Salem, NC

Congratulations. Brett! What a great adventure. I'm so glad to hear you arrived safely. Marilyn

ALL DONE! I DID IT! I'll update with full gruesome details later, but I made it to Winston-Salem, broken frame and all. Plus, an extremely kind couple took me in for the night (Patrick and Suze).

(Yes, I said "broken frame." I didn't want to alarm anyone by mentioning last night, but one part of my frame, the down tube, was about one centimeter away from being completely broken through. Sheldon and I "repaired" that this morning, but I want to give the full story later. :-))

Congratulations Brett!!! We have been reading and pulling for you all the way! love from Karen, Randy, Nick and Sarah

Total Stage XIII Distance: 40 or so

Stage Time On Bike: more than 4 hours

Total Stage time: ohhhhh... 6 hours?

Total Trip Distance: 1060, I believe!!! All done! I think that makes Jenny the closest guesser, and Dan the closest without me going over the guess. Yay!

Net Elevation Change: +++

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