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colorForth Off-topic Channel


In the beginning, #c4th-off_topic was started on IRCNet, to separate all the colorforth talk from the non-colorforth talk. By now, it's #c4th-ot on Freenode, and it's quite a social channel, with diverse topics ranging from programming to cars to politics, and a wide age range, from 16 to 45.


arke: Chris Walton, 20 years old, Long-time member.

crc: Charles Childers, 26 years old.

datachild: 18 years old.

downix: 31 years old.

JasonWoof: Jason Woofenden, 27 years old.

kc5tja: Samuel Falvo, 34 years old.

madgarden: 34 years old.

neceve: 30 years old.

oninoshiko: 26 years old, Long-time member.

Raystm2: Raymond A. St. Marie ii 44 years old.

rj_cf: 45 years old, Long-time member.

sly: 21 years old.

sorear: 17 years old.

tathi: Josh Grams, 28 years old.

vernandocarvarow: 29 years old.

XeF4: 26 years old, Long-time member.

Long-time member means member since before the switch to Freenode

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