gforthcgi is a framework for doing web programming (server scripting) in gforth. It is written entirely in gforth, and uses the optional ffcall library to access MySQL.
It was written by Jason Woofenden as an experiment.
gforthcgi is available under the GNU GPL. It is experimental, and hasn't been used much for anything. Don't trust it to do your laundry.
Interesting, educational, perhaps useful, but not complete. Development has stopped.
- GET and POST argument parsing.
- Template output (make an html file with special ~tags~ to be replaced with values from the script)
- output encodings: html, html tag attributes, sql
- input filtering: strip unwanted characters for: int, one-line text
- convert to unix line endings
- "pretty print" formatter support (implemented a phone and money)
- Form fields fully supported: textbox, textarea, checkbox, submit buttons
- can specify default values for form fields easily
- Simple system for making and sending MySQL queries, and returning results in useful ways. Very flexible.
- fields: pulldowns, [multiple] select boxes, radios (these should be relatively easy, I just haven't needed them yet -- Jason Woofenden)
- clean up session-handling code