Simply Circus
I have been abducted by the circus! Yay! Through the UMass Juggling Club (, I got introduced to this wonderful and (inexpensive!) circus for kids, directed by Steven Santos. Simply Circus has a building in Newton, and offers classes daily. You can also find them at King Richard's Faire in Carver, MA in Septembers and Octobers. I'm an Associate Advisor and the Juggling Instructor. I am learning everything I can get my mind on, and teaching anything I know. A wonderful opportunity for anyone to exchange skills, this seems to be an especially great fit for me.
A partial list of things I've learned from Simply Circus:
- Standing on air
- Rolling Globe
- Rola Bola
- Stilting
- Assorted Acrobalancing skills
- Some tumbling
- Some improvisation skills and games
- Cheeto eating
see more at